Thursday, December 7, 2017

Palm Oil Sustainability Initiatives: ISPO, RSPO, POIG & SPOM, etc...


Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil System (ISPO) is a policy taken by the government of Indonesia, which is in this context, Ministry of Agriculture, aims to increase competitiveness of the Indonesian palm oil in the world market and to take part in the framework of fulfilling the commitment of President of republic of Indonesia in reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as to pay attention to environmental problems. Visit ISPO webpage at 


RSPO will transform markets to make sustainable palm oil the norm. Missions are (1) Advance the production, procurement, finance and use of sustainable palm oil products; (2) Develop, implement, verify, assure and periodically review credible global standards for the entire supply chain of sustainable palm oil; (3) Monitor and evaluate the economic, environmental and social impacts of the uptake of sustainable palm oil in the market; and (4) Engage and commit all stakeholders throughout the supply chain, including governments and consumers. Visit homepage of the RSPO at


The Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that strives to achieve the adoption of responsible palm oil production practices by key players in the supply chain through developing and sharing a credible and verifiable benchmark that builds upon the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), and creating and promoting innovations. Visit homepage of the POIG at


Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto: As growers, traders and processors, non-governmental organisations, end-users and financial institutions, we are committed to ensuring sustainability in the entire chain from cultivation to consumption. In line with this commitment, we propose to enhance the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) with three specific objectives:
i) To build traceable and transparent supply chains; ii) To accelerate the journey to no deforestation through the conservation of high carbon stock (HCS) forests and the protection of peat areas regardless of depth, and iii) To increase the focus on driving beneficial economic change and to ensure a positive social impact on people and communities.

SPOM document in pdf is accessible at

Knowing Malaysian Palm Oil Investors in Indonesia   Main News | 21 January 2021 , 06:02 WIB ...