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Head of BRG Must Urge Companies to Restore in Area 36 Burned Corporations
News, clippings, rulings and proceedings involved palm oil, businesspersons and officials in corporate crimes, abuses and frauds..., Jakarta Majalah Globe Asia merilis daftar 150 orang terkaya di Indonesia. Nama pengusaha besar seperti Eka Tjipta Widjadja, Chairul Tanjung, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, hingga Setiawan Djody berhasil masuk ke dalam daftar tersebut.
Baca Juga
Peringkat teratas masih ditempati pengusaha pemilik grup Djarum, Robert Hartono dan Michael Hartono. Keduanya mengantongi kekayaan hingga US$ 14,8 miliar atau setara Rp 194,7 triliun.
Melansir Globe Asia, Senin (8/6/2016) berikut daftar lengkap 150 orang terkaya di Indonesia:
150. Ishak Charlie
Arga Citra Kharisma
US$ 110 juta
149. Marimutu Maniwanen
Busana Apparel Group
US$ 110 juta
148. Setiawan Djody
Setdco Group
US$ 130 juta
147. Tandean Rustandy
Arwana Citramulia
US$ 130 juta
146. Bambang Setijo
Pan Brothers
US$ 135 juta
145. A Siang Rusli
Kurnia Tetap Mulia
US$ 135 juta
144. Jacobus Busono
Pura Group
US$ 140 juta
143. Fajar Suhendra
Sumatra Growth Group
US$ 140 juta
142. Soedjono
Wira Sakti Adimulya
US$ 148 juta
141. Mintarjo Halim
US$ 150 juta
140. Batihalim Stefanus
Nojorono Tobacco
US$ 155 juta
139. Rudy Unjoto
Daliatex Kusuma
US$ 165 juta
136. Anna Bambang Surjo Sunindar
Kirana Tanker
US$ 180 juta
137. Honggo Wendratno
Arsari Pratama
US$ 170 juta
138. A Tong
Roda Vivatex
US$ 160 juta
135. Ricardo Gelael
Fast Food Indonesia
US$ 185 juta
134. Iskandar Widyadi
Bank Jasa Jakarta
US$ 190 juta
133. Shindo Sumidomo
Siantar Top
US$ 190 juta
132. Siti Hardijanti Rukmana
Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada
US$ 190 juta
131. Mardjoeki Atmadiredja
Surya Toto Indonesia
US$ 200 juta
130. Widarto
Sungai Budi Group
US$ 200 juta
129. G Lukman Pudjiadi
Jayakarta Group
US$ 205 juta
128. GS Margono
Gapura Prima Group
US$ 210 juta
127. Stanley S Atmadja
Asco Automotive
US$ 220 juta
126. Samin Tan
Borneo Lumbung
US$ 230 juta
125. Rachmat Gobel
Gobel International
US$ 240 juta
124. Bambang Trihatmodjo
US$ 240 juta
123. Karmaka Surjaudaja
US$ 245 juta
122. Ilham Habibie dan Thareq Habibie
Ilthabi Rekatama
US$ 250 juta
121. Elizabeth Sindoro
Dan Liris, Paramount Group
US$ 255 juta
120. Budi Purnomo Hadisurjo
Optik Melawai
US$ 265 juta
119. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X
Sultan Yogyakarta
US$ 260 juta
118. Sendi Bingei
Sumatra Tobacco Trading: Tobacco, food
US$ 265 juta
117. Johanes B. Kotjo
Apac Group: Textiles
US$ 267 juta
116. Anton Setiawan
Tunas Group
US$ 260 juta
115. Pontjo Sutowo
Nugra Sentana Group
US$ 270 juta
114. Kaharudin Ongko
Ongko Group
US$ 270 juta
113. Tan Tjai Kie
Gunung Garuda Steel
US$ 275 juta
112. Winarko Sulistyo
Fajar Surya Wisesa
US$ 275 juta
111. Siswono Yudohusodo
Bangun Cipta Sarana: Construction, livestock breeding
US$ 285 juta
110. Soetjipto Nagaria
Summarecon Group
US$ 290 juta
109. Paulus Tumewu
Ramayana Group
US$ 300 juta
108. Johnny Widjaja
Sintesa Group
US$ 315 juta
107. Henry Onggo
Ratu Sayang Group
US$ 320 juta
106. Benny Suherman
Studio 21 Group
US$ 325 juta
105. Chandra Lie dan Hendry Lie
Sriwijaya Air
US$ 325 juta
104. Boyke Gozali
Mitra Adi Perkasa
US$ 330 juta
103. Oesman Sapta Odang
OSO Group
US$ 350 juta
102. Muljadi Budiman
Honda Prospect Motor
US$ 350 juta
101. Didi Dawis
Ling Brothers
US$ 355 juta
100. Djoenaedi Joesoef
US$ 360 juta
99. Iwan Lukminto
Sritex Group
US$ 350 juta
98. Tatang Hermawan
Fuju PalapaTextiles, Bank Parahyangan
US$ 380 juta
97. Sabana Prawirawidjaja
Ultrajaya Group
US$ 385 juta
96. Jahja Santoso
Sanbe Farma
US$ 390 juta
95. Rudolph Merukh dan Lucky Merukh
Merukh Enterprises
US$ 400 juta
94. Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono
Sahid Group
US$ 425 juta
93. Yos Sutomo
Sumber Mas
US$ 430 juta
92. K. Gowindasamy
Mitra Jaya Group
US$ 430 juta
91.Surya Dharma Paloh
Media Indonesia
US$ 440 juta
90. Dahlan Iskan
Jawa Pos Group
US$ 445 juta
89. Kris Taenar Wiluan
Citra Mas Group
US$ 450 juta
88. Keluarga Hendro Setiawan
Pikko Group
US$ 450 juta
87. Rosan Roeslani
US$ 450 juta
86. Trihatma K Haliman
Agung Podomoro Group
US$ 450 juta
85. Mohammad Reza Chalid
Global Energy Resources
US$ 460 juta
84. Harry Sanusi
Kino Group
US$ 470 juta
83. Sugiono W Sugialam dan Kindarto Kohar
Trikomsel Group
US$ 480 juta
82. Jimmy Masrin
Lautan Luas Group
US$ 480 juta
81. Ginawan Tjondro
CNI Group
US$ 490 juta
80. Rudy Suliawan
Karang Mas Sejahtera
US$ 490 juta
79. Arifin Panigoro dan Hilmi Panigoro
Medco Group
US$ 475 juta
78. Kiki Barki
Harum Energy Group
US$ 500 juta
77. Henry Pribadi
Napan Group
US$ 505 juta
76. Alim Markus
Maspion Group
US$ 507 juta
75. Iwan Budi Brasali dan Aldo Brasali
Brasali Group
US$ 510 juta
74. Hendro Gondokusumo
US$ 510 juta
73. Amirsjah Risjad
Risjadson Group
US$ 515 juta
72. Heru Hidayat
Inti Agri Resources
US$ 530 juta
71. Wiwoho B Tjokronegoro
Indika Energy
US$ 540 juta
70. Sutanto Djuhar
First Pacific
US$ 545 juta
69. Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono
Indika Energy
US$ 550 juta
68. Purnomo Prawiro
Blue Bird Group
US$ 560 juta
67. Tan Kian
Dua Mutiara
US$ 570 juta
66. AHK Hamami
ABM Investment Trakindo Group
US$ 570 juta
65. Sofjan Wanandi
Gemala Group, Santini Group
US$ 580 juta
64. Sudhamek
Garuda Food Group
US$ 590 juta
63. Soegiharto Sosrodjoyo
Rekso Group
US$ 610 juta
62. Bachtiar Karim
Musim Mas
US$ 630 juta
61. Desi Sulistio Hidayat dan keluarga
Sido Muncul
US$ 640 juta
60. Harjo Sutanto
Wings Group
US$ 640 juta
59. Subianto Tjandra
Ateja Group
US$ 650 juta
58. George Tahija dan Sjakon Tahija
Austindo Nusantara Jaya
US$ 650 juta
57. Kuncoro Wibowo
Ace Hardware
US$ 655 juta
56. Hutomo Mandala Putra
US$ 655 juta
55. Muki Tan
Rodamas Group
US$ 660 juta
54. Eka Tjandranegara
Mulia Group
US$ 690 juta
53. John Chuang
Ceres Indonesia, Petra Food
US$ 700 juta
52. Prajogo Pangestu
Barito Pacific Group
US$ 710 juta
51. Jan Darmadi
Jan Darmadi Group
US$ 720 juta
50. Osbert Lyman
Lyman Group: Property, plantations
US$ 740 juta
49. Jusuf Kalla dan keluarga
Kalla Group
US$ 750 juta
48. Boenjamin Setiawan dan keluarga
Kalbe Farma
US$ 800 juta
47. Sandiaga Uno
Saratoga, Recapital: Private equity, investment
US$ 830 juta
46. Alexander Tedja dan Melinda Tedja
Pakuwon Group
US$ 840 juta
45. Benny Subianto
Persada Capital Group
US$ 845 juta
44. Hashim Djojohadikusumo
Arsari Group
US$ 900 juta
43. Tomy Winata
Artha Graha Group
US$ 900 juta
42. Luntungan Honoris
Modern Group
US$ 800 juta
41. Johan Lensa
J Resources
US$ $900m
40. Gunawan Jusuf
Sugar Group Companies
US$ 905 juta
39. Handojo Santoso
Japfa Comfeed Group
US$ 910 juta
38. Sugianto Kusuma (Aguan)
Agung Sedayu, Bank Artha Graha
US$ 910 juta
37. Martias dan Tjiliandra Fangiono
First Resources
US$ 950 juta
36. Mu’min Ali Gunawan
Panin Group
US$ 1,2 miliar
35. Husein Djojonegoro
ABC, Orang Tua Group
US$ 1,1 miliar
34. Teddy Thohir dan Garibaldi Thohir
TNT Group
US $1,1 miliar
33. Rusdi Kirana
Lion Air Group
US$ 1,2
32. Dato Low Tuck Kwong
Bayan Resources
US$ 1,25 miliar
31. Hartadi Angkosubroto dan Husodo Angkosubroto
Gunung Sewu Group
US$ 1,3 miliar
30. Murdaya Poo dan Siti Hartati Murdaya
Central Cipta Murdaya
US$ 1,4 miliar
29. Kartini Muljadi dan Handojo S Muljadi
Tempo Scan Group
US$ 1,4 miliar
28. Suryadi Darmadi
Duta Palma Nusantara Group
US$ 1,45 miliar
27. Benjamin Jiaravanon dan Jialipto Jiaravanon
Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
US$ 1,5 miliar
26. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono
Harita Group
US$ 1,5 miliar
25. The Nin King
Argo Manunggal Group
US$ 1,5 miliar
24. Djoko Susanto
Sumber Alfaria Trijaya
US$ 1,5 miliar
23. Aksa Mahmud
Bosowa Corporation
US$ 1,55 miliar
22. Ciputra
Ciputra Group
US$ 1,6 miliar
21. Jakob Oetama dan Lilik Oetama
Kompas Gramedia Group
US$ 1,6 miliar
20. Haryanto Adikoesoemo
AKR Corporindo
US$ 1,7 miliar
19. Hary Tanoesoedibjo
MNC Group
US$ 1,75 miliar
18. Eddy Sariaatmadja dan Fofo Sariaatmadja
Elang Mahkota Teknologi
US$ 1,8 miliar
17. Edwin Soeryadjaya
Saratoga, Recapital
US$ 1,8 miliar
16. Martua Sitorus
Wilmar International
US$ 1,9 miliar
15. Tahir
Mayapada Group
US$ 1,95 miliar
14. Peter Sondakh
Rajawali Group
US$ 2 miliar
13. Sjamsul Nursalim
Gajah Tunggal Group
US$ 2,05 miliar
12. Theodore P Rachmat
Triputra Group, Adaro
US$ 2,1 miliar
11. Mochtar Riady
Lippo Group
US$ 2,2 miliar
10. Sukanto Tanoto
Royal Golden Eagle
US$ 2,2 miliar
9. Eddy William Katuari
Wings Group
US$ 2,4 miliar
8. Aburizal Bakrie
Bakrie Group
US$ 2,5 miliar
7. Putera Sampoerna
Sampoerna Strategic
US$ 3.5 miliar
6. Sri Prakash Lohia
Indorama Group
US$ 4,1 miliar
5. Chairul Tanjung
CT Corp
US$ 4,8 miliar
4. Susilo Wonowidjojo
Gudang Garam
US$ 10 miliar
3. Eka Tjipta Widjaja
Sinar Mas Group
US$ 10,5 miliar
2. Anthoni Salim
Salim Group, First Pacific
US$ 11 miliar
1. Robert Hartono & Michael Hartono
Djarum Group
US$ 14,8 miliar
Posted By: Shona July 4, 2016
In Indonesia, the startup growth over the past two years has been very promising. According to research, there were more than 1500 local startups in 2015 ranging from games, educational applications and e-commerces and information.
As the country with the highest population in South East Asia, as well has the largest number of internet users, the startup industry based in tech certainly has strong potential for tremendous expansion in the coming years. In an effort to remain on the forefront of of the startup lottery, huge investments have been made in the country, with the largest one for Tokopedia at USD$100 million. This investment was made by Sequoia Capital and Softbank, two top-tier investment groups that operate in the region. In addition to growth in investments, incubators and accelerator programs are also a driver of the growth of the technology startup ecosystem.
In Indonesia, a contributing factor to most of the startups are is the involvement of the Indonesian conglomerates; those who own large amount capital and whose businesses have been entrenched in Indonesia for decades. The next generation within the families of conglomerates are facing new challenges in doing business in today’s globalized-world. To remain relevant and retain their status, many next-generation-tycoons, are getting involved in the startup scene. Below are Indonesian conglomerates who are engaged in the startup industry.
Lippo Group
Lippo Group is an Indonesian company founded by notable tycoon, Mochtar
Riady. At first, it ran Lippo Bank which was renamed and changed
composition of its share into Bank CIMB Niaga. The company then also
managed property and real estate, operating across Asian countries such
as Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines, Singapore and South
Korea with total assets worth 11 billion USD. It is also listed on
various stock exchanges in Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore with at
least 15 subsidiaries. In addition to the property business, the company
is also involved in retail, telecommunications, news and media, and
various other types of businesses. Based on Forbes report, the Riady
family is the ninth richest tycoon in Indonesia. Total wealth of Lippo
Group is valued at 2.2 billion USD (around Rp 29 trillion) which derived
from those various business lines.
As the internet marketplace showed its lucrative growth, Lippo Group initiated an investment in e-commerce. With investments of 500 million USD, Lippo Group started operating e-commerce site in 2015 to compete with other big name such as Lazada and Tokopedia. This e-commerce platform actually is the online version of the existing store chains operating for decades, Matahari Mall, owned by Lippo Group that spread across the archipelago. The Lippo group recently partnered with Singapore based Grab, which was looking for support in Indonesia, to help with deliveries for
“Online commerce is a US$100 billion opportunity. MatahariMall will be number one. There is nothing like it in Southeast Asia. Our vision is to build the most powerful ecosystem that brings together buyers and sellers to do business anytime and anywhere” said John Riady, the director of Lippo Group during the launching of
Recently, in March 2016, the grandson of Mochtar Riady, who is acting as Director of Lippo Group, John Riady, started to invest in venture firm Venturra Capital. The group’s capital is 150 million USD, or equivalent to 2 billion IDR. In the official statement, Venturra Capital will prioritize investments in startups from Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The startup targets range from e-Commerce, financial services, healthcare, and education. The firm, led by Stefan Jung, former founder and managing partner of Rocket Internet Southeast Asia; Rudy Ramawy, former country director at Google Indonesia; and John Riady, current director of Lippo Group.
“Our mission in Venturra is to provide capital, operational empowerment and market access to the founders of technology-based innovative business and internet has the potential to transform the industry,” wrote Venturra Capital.
Djarum Group
Djarum is cigarette producer based in Kudus, Central of Java, owned by
Oei Wie Gwan. After Gwan passed away, the company is now run by his son,
Robert Budi Hartono and Michael Bambang Hartono. Forbes named the
Hartono family the richest in Indonesia. With total assets reachig $
15.5 billion (around Rp200 trillion), Hartono family also owns majority
shares in largest private bank in Indonesia, Bank Central Asia (BCA).
Hartono successfully steered the company to be largest cigarette producer in the country. As the growth of the cigarette industry is quite stagnant, Djarum then diversified its business line into several lines. Djarum’s subsidiary, PT Hartono Plantation Indonesia, has oil palm plantations covering an area of 30,000 hectares (ha) in the Porcupine District, West Kalimantan. The company is also developing timber plantations in East Kalimantan, covering land area of 20,000 hectares.
Beside for investments in those lines, Djarum also owns, an electronic e-commerce site with investments from Djarum amounted to 1 million USD yearly through its subsidiary, GDP Venture. Djarum created GDP Venture to invest in startup and internet business. Another successful project funded by GDP Venture is Kaskus, the largest online community based in Indonesia. To gain a better angle on upcoming startups, GDP Venture formed an incubator called Merah Putih Inc., a startup incubator which aims to provide capital assistance for innovative startup. The incubator’s successful portofolio includs Dailysocial, KrazyMarket, Infokost, Bolalob,,, and Mindtalk.
Sinar Mas Group
Sinar Mas Group is another wealthy tycoon in Indonesia who owns hundreds
of subsidiaries across the country. The company was founded in 1962 by
Tjipta Eka Widjaja. At the beginning, the company’s business portfolio
mostly focused on pulp, paper and palm oil producers. But as the company
grew, it began managing wide ranges of business lines including
agribusiness, property and real estate, mining, financial services
ranging from bank, multifinance, and insurance.
As the internet based technology began growing rapidly in Indonesia, Sinar Mas Group set up a venture capital in 2015 named Sinar Mas Digital Ventures (SMDV). SMDV together with Lippo Digital Ventures and RMK Sovereign Capital Ventures, on January 15, 2015 invested Serie A investment amounted to 2 million USD for Secondly, SMDV also invested in Female Daily Network value for 1 million USD. Then, under one of its subsidiaries, PT Dian Swastika Sentosa Tb, runs ecommerce business by purchasing point. In 2015, SMDV also invested in Series A Investment totalling 2.6 million USD for Omise, a Thailand-based payment gateway.
To fully commit to startup investments, Sinar Mas Group, through its subsidiary, Sinar Mas Land, recently announced plans to build an integrated smart digital city in Indonesia for startup companies, technology leaders and digital communities. As reported in Jakarta Post, the company’s CEO, Michael Widjaja, said that the construction would start in 2017 on a 25.86-hectare plot of land in BSD City, South Tangerang. The company has allocated Rp 2 trillion (US$151 million) in cash to develop the digital hub.
“It’s our dream to build this place, an equivalent to Silicon Valley in the US. We are not only inviting the companies but we want to build a self-sustaining community,” he said in Jakarta on Tuesday. This ambitious project will be finished in 10-15 years and plan to targeting research centers, institutions and educational institutions that have schools of technology and sciences.
Bakrie Group
Bakrie Group is a conglomerate founded by Achmad Bakrie in 1942. The
company’s business lines spread in in many areas, including Oil and Gas,
Real Estate, Infrastructure, Mining, Media, and Telecommunications.
Bakrie Group is one of the largest business groups in Indonesia, with 10
subsidiary listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Currently, Bakrie
Group is chaired by Nirwan D. Bakrie (Chairman) and Indra U. Bakrie
(CO-Chairman). In 2004, Aburizal Bakrie retired from the Bakrie Group to
focus on his political career and now is the General Chairman of Golkar
Party, the second largest party in Indonesia.
In 2011, with a vision to expand the company line to include technology startups, the company established a private investment firm named Nusantara Incubation Fund. Bakrie Group’s CEO, Anindhya Bakrie stated in the interview that the investment firm aims to support local startups. The establishment of the investment firm was part of Bakrie Group BtelVision2.0 program to widely reach internet markets.
“We expect another kind of Kaskus and startup to emerge, but it must be owned by us. Although there will be others to invest, no problem. ”
In January 2014, a closed social network, Path, recorded getting C round of funding amounting to 25 million USD from Bakrie Group. The investment was deemed a significant move by Bakrie as Path users in Indonesia are the largest, with 4 million users in 2014. Currently, Bakrie Group is also working together with Converge Ventures, though does not have total control over the operations of the company.
CT Corp
CT Corp. (formerly known as Para Group) is a group of companies owned by
tycoon Chairul established in 1987. The holding company owns several
business lines including bank, insurance, retail stores, plantation,
news and media, mining, property and real estate, and restaurant chains.
One of notable CT Corp internet-based portfolio companies is, a highly popular online news platform in Indonesia. On August 3, 2011 CT Corp. acquired shares, value of 60 million usd or equivalent to 521-540 billion IDR. Before being acquired by CT Corp, shares were owned by Agranet Tiger Investment and Mitsui & Co. Agranet has a 59% share, and the rest is owned by Tiger 39%, and Mitsui 2%.
In February 2016, CEO of CT Corp. Chairul Tanjung announced that the company is preparing to launch an e-commerce company. “Currently we are preparing e-commerce so once it released, it becomes the champion. If we don’t become champion, it is better to not launch e-commerce because the line of our business is complete. There are hypermarket, department stores, airlines, hotels, food and beverages, and also entertainment. But we want everything is available in our e-commerce, “said Chairul.
Mitra Adiperkasa
Mitra Adiperkasa (MAP) is a retail company that was raised by Boyke
Widodo and his uncle Sjamsul Nursalim. Data from Forbes states that
Sjamsul has a fortune of $ 470 million (around Rp6.2 trillion) from
Gadjah Tunggal tire factory and retail MAP they have.
MAP is arguably one of the largest retail companies in Indonesia. Some well-known brands commonly found in malls such as like SOGO, Planet Sport, BANDAI, Starbucks, and others-are managed by MAP. With these foundations, MAP has recently officially announced their e-commerce site called MAP EMALL. The products are sold mostly in the form of fashion and home furnishings as well as what is offered by retail MAP.
Salim Group
Salim Group is another notable conglomerate in Indonesia. It was founded
in 1972 by Sudono Salim (Liem Sioe Liong) and has subsidiaries such as
Indofood, the world’s largest instant noodle producer. It also owns oil
palm plantations (approximately 1,000 square kilometers) and logging
concessions. Besides, it also manages property, real estate and
entertainment industry for about 30 years.
Now, the company is run Anthoni Salim. In an interview with Japanese media, Nikkei expressed his interest in investing in the e-commerce industry. “We are ready to participate in e-commerce in Indonesia, which has just begun. If you want to be successful [in e-commerce], logistics, transportation management and IT architecture must be very strong. ”
Though Salim Group doesn’t make direct investments to e-commerce company, its subsidiaries do. Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Company, a Philippine based company with its largest shares owned by Salim Group, invested 455 million USD or equivalent to Rp 6.2 trillion) to Germany based tech company, Rocket Internet. Rocket Internet is the conceptor of giant marketplaces operating across Asia, including Lazada and Zalora. It is recorded that PLDT shares in Rocket Internet is equivalent to 10% of total shares. Main News | 21 January 2021 , 06:02 WIB ...