Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ganda and Wilmar

Wilmar and the Ganda Group: new insights into the dealings of the Sitorus family

Mr. Martua Sitorus’ brother, Mr. Ganda, was previously employed by the Wilmar Group but has now built his own plantation group through the holding company PT Gandaerah Hendana (the Ganda Group). Subsidiaries under the Ganda Group include:

1. PT Kartika Prima Nabati (Jakarta)
2. PT Patiware (Bengkayang, West Kalimantan)
3. PT Sumatera Unggul Makmur (Sambas, West Kalimantan)
4. PT Sentosa Asih Makmur (Sambas, West Kalimantan)
5. PT Putralirik Domas (Sambas, West Kalimantan)
6. PT Inecda Plantation (13,000 ha, Indragiri Hulu, Riau)
7. PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa (Riau)
8. PT Wawasan Kebun Nusantara (18,500 ha, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan)
9. PT Perkebunan Kaltim Utama I (20,000 ha, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan)
10. PT Ganda Dinamika (previously: PT Karya Musi Lestari)
11. PT Karya Agung Megah Utama (Agam, West Sumatra)
12. PT Perkebunan Anak Negeri Pasaman (West Pasaman, West Sumatra)
13. PT Sumatra Agro Nusa Plantations Prima
14. Jumbo Glory Holdings
15. PT Enviro Mitra Abadi (Riau)

Of these companies, four are active in Sambas District:

PT Patiware:
A castor oil plantation company of 10,500 hectares in Jawai and Teluk Keramat
sub-districts. The company was granted a Location Permit (Ijin Lokasi) by BPN, number 05/ILBPN/Bky/2003, dated 23 September 2003 (last update on July 2006).

PT Sumatera Unggul Makmur:
An oil palm company of 16,000 hectares in Tebas, Semparuk, Selakau and Pemangkat sub-districts. The company was granted a Plantation Operation Permit (Ijin Prinsip) by the District Head, number 82/2006, dated 3 April 2006.

PT Sentosa Asih Makmur:
An oil palm company of 18,000 hectares in Galing, Sejangkung and Teluk Keramat sub-districts. The company was granted a Principal Permit (Ijin Prinsip) by the District Head, number 81/2006, dated 3 April 2006.

PT Putralirik Domas:
An oil palm company of 3,100 hectares in Subah sub-district. The company was granted a Plantation Operation Permit (Ijin Prinsip) by the District Head, number 83/2006, dated 3 April 2006.

None of these companies have approved EIA reports, but all of these companies have already and irregularly, been granted a Plantation Operation Permit by the Sambas District Head.
In essence, the Ganda and Wilmar Groups are very closely related


See profile of Martua Sitorus at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martua_Sitorus

Martua Sitorus (born 1960), also known as Thio Seng Hap (吴笙福), was a Chinese Indonesian businessman. He was once known as the fourth richest person in Indonesia (and #377 in the world), but had decreased to fifteenth by November 2013,[2]according to Forbes.[3] He and his partner, Kuok Khoon Hong founded Wilmar International, the largest palm oil producer in the world.
Wilmar's business activities include oil palm cultivationoilseeds crushing, edible oils refining, sugar milling and refining, specialty fats, oleochemicalsbiodiesel and fertilizers manufacturing and grains processing. It has over 300 manufacturing plants and an extensive distribution network covering ChinaIndiaIndonesiaUnited States and some 50 other countries.[4]

Personal life[edit]

Martua was born in Pematang Siantar, a town located in North Sumatra, Indonesia. After finishing high school, he continued to the University of HKBP Nomensen, Medan which was the largest city in North Sumatera to finish his economic degrees. During his teenager, Martua traded fish, when grown up he started his business as a palm oil and mesocarp trader.

Business Empire[edit]

Martua along with Kuok Khoon Hong, the nephew of Malaysia's richest tycoon Robert Kuok, founded Wilmar InternationalLimited and by 1991 he owned 7.100 hectare of palm tree plantations, and also build his own palm oil refinery in North Sumatra. The Wilmar International business has grown rapidly; by 2013 Wilmar owns more than 50 other companies with 300 manufacturing plants around the world.[5] Martua also owns London skycraper Aviva Tower and a hospital in Medan, Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital, which is named after Martua's mother, Murni Teguh. The hospital was launched on 12 December 2012 (12/12/2012).[6]

1 comment:

  1. Kepada Yth,

    Up : HRD Keuangan

    Perihal : Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi,
    Tanpa Agunan, (Non Collateral)
    Bersama ini Kami ingin memperkenalkan diri, bahwa CV. ANUGERAH JAYA ABADI adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Jasa Penerbitan Jaminan Bank Garansi dan Asuransi Tanpa Agunan (Non Collateral), Proses Cepat, Bisa dicek Keabsahanya dan Polis Di Jamin kami antar.

    Jenis jaminan yang kami terbitkan yaitu sbb:
    1.Jaminan Penawaran ( Bid Bond )
    2.Jaminan Pelaksanaan ( Peformance Bond )
    3.Jaminan Uang Muka ( Advance Payment Bond )
    4.Jaminan Pemeliharaan ( Maintenance Bond )
    5.Jaminan pembayaran akhir tahun ( SP2D )

    Jenis jaminan Asuransi kami terbitkan antaranya sbb:
    • PT. Asuransi ASKRINDO
    • PT.Asuransi JASINDO
    • PT.Asuransi ASEI
    • PT.Asuransi SINARMAS
    • PT.Asuransi JAMKRINDO
    • PT.Asuransi ASKRIDA
    • PT.Asuransi BUMIDA
    • PT.Asuransi ACA
    • PT.Asuransi MEGA PRATAMA
    • PT.Asuransi RAYA
    • PT.Asuransi BERDIKARI
    • PT.Asuransi RAMAYANA
    * PT.Asuransi REKAPITAL
    Jenis Bank Garansi Kami terbitkan sbb:
    * Bank Mandiri
    * Bank BRI
    * Bank BNI
    * Bank BTN

    Syarat - syarat penerbitan Bank Garansi dan Asuransi adalah sebagai berikut :
    * Membuat surat permohonan Bank Guarantee / Surety Bond
    * Melampirkan Company profil / Biodata prusahaan lengkap
    * Melampirkan laporan keuangan ( neraca laba/rugi ) 2 tahun terakhir
    * Melampirkan photo cofy undangan lelang /SPK/P.O/RKS & Surat kontrak lainya
    Demikianlah penawaran ini kami sampaikan, semoga ini merupakan awal kerjasama yang baik dan berkesinambungan dimasa yang akan datang. Sambil menunggu konfirmasi Fwd: Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi dan Asuransi Tanpa Agunan (Non Collateral )nya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

    Berikut Di Bawah ini saya lampirkan
    Proposal Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi dan Asuransi Tanpa Agunan (Non Collateral).

    Hormat kami,
    Ruko Legenda Park Blok C No.37 Jl. Dukuh Zamrud Selatan, Kel. Padurenan, Kec. Mustika Jaya - Bekasi
    From : Mebri Ardiantoni
    Contact : 0812 8624 2229 / 021 82623655
    E-Mail : mebri.jaya@gmail.com


Knowing Malaysian Palm Oil Investors in Indonesia

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